Board Members
Tom Adamo, President, Penobscot
Bill McWeeny, Vice President, Brooksville
Karen Adamo, Treasurer, Penobscot
Bridget Saltonstall, Secretary, Penobscot
Jim Saltonstall, Penobscot
Caren Plank, Penobscot
Charlie Rolsky PhD, Ellsworth
Jesse Leach, Penobscot
Jon Albrecht, Penobscot
Tracy Lameyer, Castine
Board member John Boit saw evidence of otter scat at a pond at his family’s farm in Penobscot. So he set up a trail camera and captured not one, not two, but three otters! These North American river otters are often nocturnal, although they can at times be seen during the day. They can measure up to five feet long and weigh up to 30 pounds. Once heavily hunted for their fur, river otters have now rebounded. They can range 50 miles and are constantly on the move, rarely staying in one place for more than a few days. In fact, these three otters captured on camera have since moved on, so keep an eye out for them in the Bagaduce watershed!